Kula Cazimi
By singing and making harmonious melodies in music Kula Cazimi shines her bright Light through our bodies as instruments of The Divine Creator. Bringing messages about unity, compassion, creation and the cycle of life and death. Singing and moving together in these high frequencies of awareness brings us into the field of Oneness. We all have a different color as we are here on earth to shine our light in joy and gratefulness.
Unfolding towards the wisdom of the universal laws and the alchemy of life is what brings us closer to each other and our purpose in life.
By celebrating all aspects of life in singing and music we raise the frequency and inner freedom. Bringing our whole multidimensional system in alignment with who we truly are: Divine spirits experiencing a life in a human body, living in joy and gratefulness with Mother Nature and the Celestial Bodies of the Heavens.
The core of Kula Cazimi consists of four beautiful artists Jur de Vries, Coos & Yikka Bomhof and Alan Maguire. Every performance other co-creators connect with these four starseeds so the creative elements will expand and be seen and experienced by all who attend in the circle.

Where do we come from
Kula is a magical ritual in which valuable objects are exchanged. To develop awareness of living in exchange services, letting go of attachments and being at peace with those around you. Sometimes it takes years before you receive what you previously gave away; an exercise in unconditional trust and patience.
For most planets, Cazimi occurs once per year, when the planet's orbit aligns with that of the Sun. For a faster-moving planet (like Mercury), it can occur several times annually. The moon brings us a lunar Cazimi monthly, at the moments just before and after the new moon, when the moon lines up directly with the sun.

Zingen als medicijn
Samen zingen en musiceren heelt het hart en zuivert de ziel.
Al sinds mensenheugenis komen mensen in groepen bij elkaar om zich door zang, klank en muziek innerlijk te reinigen, te helen en te verbinden met de natuur.
Zingen in verbinding
Ons ontplooien in de wijsheid van de universele wetten en de alchemie van het leven is wat ons dichter bij elkaar en ons doel in het leven brengt. Door alle aspecten van het leven te vieren in zang en muziek verhogen we de
f re q u e n t i e o p a a rd e . I n samenzang brengen we ons
h e l e m u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l e systeem in lijn met wie we werkelijk zijn: goddelijke geesten die een leven in een menselijk lichaam ervaren, in vreugde en dankbaarheid leven met Moeder Natuur en de hemellichamen.
Zingen is genieten
Zingen heelt een treurig hart en brengt geheel nieuwe levensvreugde. We brengen en delen het genieten al waar we verschijnen.